Wednesday 23 March 2011

Ting Ya Mabele

subtle sour taste to it. ting is a healthy brown porridge option to the white one with a slighlty soft texture to it.ting has been famously cooked and eaten in funerals. Back in the days at the funeral the food were cooked to suit the mood of bereaved family. this was a crazy idea that made women involved in cooking funeral food to cook bad, people started coming with stories that food from the funeral actually made them sick and the cabbage would be badly chopped and cooked that after eating it at a funeral you wouldnt want to ever see it again. Ting became famous from there and if it wasnt cooked people attending the funeral will ask what sort of a funeral  this is, without Ting.  depending on people cooking it, it can be very nice and mildley cooked or very soar that people wouldnt even eat it. I hated ting when i was growing up i ate it at my uncles funeral and when i was still small a lady amongst women who were cooking served it to me and my cousins with cold dry tribe no gravy no nothing. Today things have changed and its cooked in all sorts of events , it makes sense though because it adds a unigue colour and variety in food range that are being served. i ate it over the weekend at a wedding and it never dispappointed i had to go for a second serving.

Tuesday 22 March 2011


You have to love language> In joburg the word nyoba to other people is vulgar and Nyoba is a Sepedi word for identity of this bulb.within Limpopo there are clans of sepedi speaking people whom differ slightly from the other with the tongue. within these groups of Pedi its called ntswe. in Xitshonga its called matimba which also sounds like a word that refers to shit in other indiginous languages. To Nyoba in Xhosa means to bribe. i'm in love with the colours found in language which can shift a word to become else that you never thought of. Nyoba to other people means to sleep with a girl. education in each other's language will help us deal with words properly allowing us to question when a certain word is mentioned if it means what you think it is or something else perhas. Any way Lehlabula its a very exiting time for everyone who worked long hours in their farms daily to secure food for their family. Nyoba is amongst the food found in mashimong during this time of the year . Nyoba and Sugar cane are from the same family. Sugar cane has high volume of sugar and its bigger in size compared to nyoba. Sugar gives us energy after all , the brilliant thing about this is that the sugar is all natural it wouldnt harm you as much as the artificial sugar does. This is good for you.

Monday 7 March 2011

The most killer

The biggest problem encounted with us is that we dont have enough people if not at all to write about our heritage things and about  us. We have to write about everything so the future generation can have a better closure on what we used to have around should we happen to lose some of the things that we have now. we need to be writers more than anything you can still have your job if you are that afraid. This is what drives me to finish writting morogo book. lets write about us shame has put us down for a long time we have to came out and allow the world to see us for what we really are and not what we have copied and took over whats theirs made it our own. How would this make us any different and unique. Lets write :)

Sunday 6 March 2011

Food for the poor

Morogo will be up there with the "so called classy food" . I will be sure to commercialize this food it will be accepted and eaten as if it was never secret food that people felt so much shame over it. It has been rejected alot simply because its not good enough and maybe misunderstood alot .there are people who dont want to find themselves caught eating Morogo because they have shut it out of their lives for good because they grew up eating alot of it and i think thus the reason why the food its misunderstood because it wa forced on them. Today i present you with a chance to taste the different tastes and kinds it comes with and enjoy the food for what it has always been and not to eat it because one was hungry and had nothing to eat or not choice but to eat morogo. This is our indiginous food and should be held in the same high places as all foreign food and fit in to our lifestyles. Morogo rocks:)

Thursday 3 March 2011

byala bya sesotho

i'm being  taught how to make sorghum beer. this is day 2 of the brewery process that take 5full days to make and give it an alcohol effect . no chemicals used 100%  natural ingrediences

Wednesday 2 March 2011

morogo dishes

Dinawa (beans) cacana mozabique morogo
Bogobe(poridge) Dipotata (sweet potatoes) delele