Sunday 6 March 2011

Food for the poor

Morogo will be up there with the "so called classy food" . I will be sure to commercialize this food it will be accepted and eaten as if it was never secret food that people felt so much shame over it. It has been rejected alot simply because its not good enough and maybe misunderstood alot .there are people who dont want to find themselves caught eating Morogo because they have shut it out of their lives for good because they grew up eating alot of it and i think thus the reason why the food its misunderstood because it wa forced on them. Today i present you with a chance to taste the different tastes and kinds it comes with and enjoy the food for what it has always been and not to eat it because one was hungry and had nothing to eat or not choice but to eat morogo. This is our indiginous food and should be held in the same high places as all foreign food and fit in to our lifestyles. Morogo rocks:)

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