Wednesday 23 March 2011

Ting Ya Mabele

subtle sour taste to it. ting is a healthy brown porridge option to the white one with a slighlty soft texture to it.ting has been famously cooked and eaten in funerals. Back in the days at the funeral the food were cooked to suit the mood of bereaved family. this was a crazy idea that made women involved in cooking funeral food to cook bad, people started coming with stories that food from the funeral actually made them sick and the cabbage would be badly chopped and cooked that after eating it at a funeral you wouldnt want to ever see it again. Ting became famous from there and if it wasnt cooked people attending the funeral will ask what sort of a funeral  this is, without Ting.  depending on people cooking it, it can be very nice and mildley cooked or very soar that people wouldnt even eat it. I hated ting when i was growing up i ate it at my uncles funeral and when i was still small a lady amongst women who were cooking served it to me and my cousins with cold dry tribe no gravy no nothing. Today things have changed and its cooked in all sorts of events , it makes sense though because it adds a unigue colour and variety in food range that are being served. i ate it over the weekend at a wedding and it never dispappointed i had to go for a second serving.

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